Wir haben's geschafft!
Ich zitiere aus der Mail meines Theaterleiters:
Hi you stars!
Just for those who haven't noticed yet: we will be taking part in the festival !!!
Our performance is scheduled for Wednesday, 29th June, at 10 o'clock in the morning (!).
That sounds odd at first, but it has an undeniable advantage: I got Mr Krautschneider's permission to invite several English classes from our school, so they can have a day off and see the play along with their teachers. Hopefully for us and for the organizers of the festival, this will provide us with a big audience.
By the way, they (the organizers) haven't been able to let us play at the Brotfabrik Theatre because the owners there accepted only four shows and the primary schools have been given prefential treatment because they tend to have smaller audiences. But never mind.
Well, I look forward to seeing you act on a professional youth theatre stage and to rehearsing with you again. A schedule for the rehearsals will follow soon.
See you,
F. M.
Das doofe daran ist, dass wir auf einmal morgens spielen sollen - args. Nunja, ich find das ziemlich doof, da unser Stück so gut ankam, dass wir die Reihen garantiert auch abends füllen würden ohne Englischkurse von unserer Schule -.- ...
Naja, aber Herr M. (unser Leiter) hat mir versprochen, dass er sich auch noch für einen Termin abends einsetzt, der uns schon in Aussicht gestellt wurde...
...wäre natürlich der Hammer, wenn wir zweimal spielen könnten! *sich schon freut*
LG, Prinzesschen
Hi you stars!
Just for those who haven't noticed yet: we will be taking part in the festival !!!
Our performance is scheduled for Wednesday, 29th June, at 10 o'clock in the morning (!).
That sounds odd at first, but it has an undeniable advantage: I got Mr Krautschneider's permission to invite several English classes from our school, so they can have a day off and see the play along with their teachers. Hopefully for us and for the organizers of the festival, this will provide us with a big audience.
By the way, they (the organizers) haven't been able to let us play at the Brotfabrik Theatre because the owners there accepted only four shows and the primary schools have been given prefential treatment because they tend to have smaller audiences. But never mind.
Well, I look forward to seeing you act on a professional youth theatre stage and to rehearsing with you again. A schedule for the rehearsals will follow soon.
See you,
F. M.
Das doofe daran ist, dass wir auf einmal morgens spielen sollen - args. Nunja, ich find das ziemlich doof, da unser Stück so gut ankam, dass wir die Reihen garantiert auch abends füllen würden ohne Englischkurse von unserer Schule -.- ...
Naja, aber Herr M. (unser Leiter) hat mir versprochen, dass er sich auch noch für einen Termin abends einsetzt, der uns schon in Aussicht gestellt wurde...
...wäre natürlich der Hammer, wenn wir zweimal spielen könnten! *sich schon freut*
LG, Prinzesschen
Prinzesschen - 11. Mai, 15:06
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